

The moment I decided to create this blog, I opened the I Ching and it landed on the symbol for The Well. This piece of architecture has lasted throughout Chinese history, enduring dynasty after dynasty, as the center of life.

“The well is the symbol of that social structure which, evolved by mankind in meeting its most primitive needs, is independent of all political forms. Political structures change, as do nations, but the life of man with its needs remains eternally the same.”

We live in a world of consumer excess and infinite distraction. What has helped me most is focusing on essentials. Taking care of my basic needs as responsibly as I can, whether that be walking to the store or cooking meals at home or turning off my phone to listen. It’s my way of feeling connected, rooted in what really matters.

Just as the well is a life source for the people, we must have our own personal well to dip into for nourishment. To help us carry on with meaning and purpose. To drown out all that noise with a beautiful simplicity, a holistic way of life, that is satisfying, that endures, that is inexhaustible – the unchangeable within change. The Well.


  1. Hi Maryn. I look forward to learning things from you. I’m from LA but now call Honolulu my nesting place. (14 years). Married, recently turned 40, always looking to simplify and focus on the essentials although I am interested in the world around me. Letting go and embracing change is a constant… I’d like to stay connected to my voice within yet still get things done!!! Thanks for creating this site.

  2. Maryn! I love your site! I was actually thinking of you for a project I’ve embarked on and did anyone in that particular situation would do. Look you up on FB! Stumbled on your site and did a little reading. I can totally relate to your story of becoming/ finding your identity in this day and age. Hope you’re trekking along just fine. I take it that you’re still in LA?

    1. Hi Diane! So happy you found me here. We are in Austin now and enjoying the change of pace from LA life. It’s always comforting to hear I’m not the only one on this journey…In a lot of ways, I feel like I’m starting over at the age of (almost) 30. Would love to hear more about your project. Feel free to get in touch on FB or email me at

  3. I, too, find great wisdom when I read the I Ching, whether I open a page at random, or throw coins.

    I like how you applied the well to your life. I think of WordPress as a well: a social structure that people evolved to meet one of our most basic needs: to converse. I wonder how WordPress will survive changes within its political structure over time.

    Welcome to a newbie from a newbie.

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