

Thank you for stopping by my humble slice of the internet. I know your time is precious and I am honored to spend time with you. My hope is to make this a sacred space for the both of us. Free of my own grumblings and pity parties. Free of brag posts and insane DIYs that make us feel bad about ourselves.

Like a meditation room, it will be quiet, simple and filled with natural light. A place to reflect on the big questions. A place to come for nourishment and peace of mind.

Behind everything, you should know I’m just a girl with a really old camera and a few good thoughts in her head. I want to be better. I am looking ahead to the end game and trying to get there the best way I know how. I hope you’ll be patient as I figure things out, slipping and dusting myself off every now and then.

If there is one thing I’ve learned over the years, it is that change starts on the inside. This is a starting point for that change and I look forward to sharing the journey with you, one post at a time.




  1. What an inviting welcome page you have here — this blog is certainly off to a promising start, Maryn! I just found it today, and am glad I stopped by; I’m enjoying your thoughtful posts, and love how they’re organized in categories of well-being. Wonderful idea! I’ve added The Well to a list of positive sites I keep on my own blog. 🙂

    1. Hi Meg – I am so honored to be featured on your site, thank you! I look forward to reading more of your thoughts and love your “kindness tour” – such a wonderful way to foster community and positivity.

  2. Hey Maryn, I like your blog! I really enjoy your posts, especially because I relate to so many of them. Looking forward to reading more! =)

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